J & L Pest Control is a family owed business that has been practicing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) services since it was founded.
T (631)-605-9919
Email: jandlpestcontrol@gmail.com
J & L Pest Control
1090 Martinstien Ave.
Bay Shore, NY 11706
Our method of service is an intensive Integrated Pest Management(IPM)program and when required state of the art materials. We provide well-trained state certified applicators and technicians that conduct responsible treatment techniques to provide a safer environment for all our customers including those in the health care industry. We extensively utilize inspection techniques and monitoring devices which maximizes the ability to identify a pest concern before it is noticeable. Our approach may include but would not be limited to any of the following:
Some advantages of J & L Pest Control Intensive Integrated Pest Management Program are:
By utilizing Integrated Pest Management procedures we utilize baits before liquid pesticides thus reducing the amount of chemicals being used in your facility. By reducing the pesticides used within your facility, it also reduces the risk of an allergic reaction from a patient, an employee, or a visitor and also prevents product contamination. The use of fewer pesticides also creates a safer working environment for your co-workers and makes their working environment more productive.
Please call us today for a free quote for controlling pest activity in health care institutions.